What is all this about?

Aussie Tech Heads Web Hosting (ATH Web Hosting) have rebranded to Blue Ocean Web Hosting.  ATH Web Hosting was greatly supported by you the listener of our Podcast.  We wanted to create a web hosting company that had a broader appeal to business and the not so technical out there.  We were having trouble being found – and being found was important if we needed to maintain and grow our services.

What happened to all my account history?

For a little while, you will still be able to log into your ATH customer portal.  You will find all your previous invoices and history there.  All current services you will see have been flagged with a completed status – and these services have been transferred to Blue Ocean Web Hosting customer portal.  Please log into there https://blueoceanwebhosting.com.au/billing/index.php?rp=/login from now on.

My pricing is different to Blue Ocean Web Hosting?

Yes, we have grandfathered your current pricing across to Blue Ocean Web Hosting.  You are able to maintain the ATH product – but you will not be able to order new services based on the old ATH product prices.  New services are priced differently as Blue Ocean Web Hosting is focussed on great customer service (not that ATH wasn’t) and we have upped the ante on server resources, power and more addons.

Do I need to do anything?

Please log into the Blue Ocean Web Hosting portal https://blueoceanwebhosting.com.au/billing/index.php?rp=/login and make sure all your personal deatils are up to date and ensure that your payment method is correct.  If you paid by credit card on ATH then please insert you card on the Blue Ocean system.  We do not keep credit card numbers on our server – and this is why we could not transfer them across.

Why is the ATH web page still exist?

It exists for the time being so people have time to transition and archive any data they wish to archive.  It is more now read only and no server interaction is done by the web page.  All product management is done through Blue Ocean Web Hosting now.

There is something I don't understand!

If you have any questions at all, please send a support ticket from the Blue Ocean Web Hosting site. https://blueoceanwebhosting.com.au/billing/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=1